Political Science-[FPSC-U.S A. CSS]-(USA) Political Science Pakistan Constitution Set-(USA) Political Science Muslim Political Thoughts AL-USA Political Science U.S.S.R Constitution Set-(USA) Political Science Origin Of State Set-(USA) Political Science France Constitution Set-(USA) Political Science Liberalism Set-(USA) Political Science Western Political Thoughts Set-(USA) Political Science France Constitution Set-(USA) Political Science Democracy Set/(USA) Political Science Parliamentary and Presidential Systems Set 1 Sample Test,Sample questions

  In a parliamentary form of government a minister is responsible to:

1.Upper House

2.Lower House

3.Nominal head of the state


  In a Presidential Government the President is:

1.Independent from the legislature

2.Dependent on the legislature

3.Dependent on judiciary

4.Dependent on the Council of Ministers

  In U.S.A. there is:


2.Totalitarian system

3. Dictatorship of cabinet

4.Presidential system of Government

  One of the following is not correct about Presidential system of Government pick that up:

1.Head of the state enjoys real powers

2.It is based on the theory of separation of powers

3.It is based on the principle of combination of powers

4.Babinet consists of nominees of the President

  Parliamentary executive in effect means:

1.Political homogeneity of the cabinet

2. Freedom to express different views on the floor of the House by the Ministers

3.Disunity among the Ministers

4.Subordination of legislature

  Parliamentary form of Government today is commonly known as:

1.Totalitarian Government

2.Authoriatarian Government

3.Prime Ministerial Government

4.None of the above

  Presidential executive is also called:

1.No fixed executive

2.Responsible executive

3.Dependent executive

4.Fixed executive

  The executive in the presidential form of Government:

1.Does not sit with the legislature

2.Takes part in the deliberation of the legislature

3.Presides over the meetings of the power House

4.Presides over the meetings of the upper House

  Which of the following is associated with parliamentary form of Government?

1.Executive and legislature work independently

2. Executive and legislature work in close cooperation

3.Executive is dependent on judiciary

4.Legislature is dependent on judiciary

  Which of the following is correct about parliamentary form of Government?

1.In the cabinet talents from all parties are included

2.The members of the cabinet are taken purely on merits

3.The cabinet consists of only those who are not the members of the legislature

4.The cabinet includes usually people belonging to ruling party E. None of the above

  Which one of the following is not a demerit of parliamentary form of Government?

1.It promotes partisan spirit

2.In this talents of all cannot be used

3.In this alternative on the fall of Government is available

4. In it executive works in cooperation with the legislature

  Which one of the following is not the characteristics of Presidential form of Government:

1.The President has fixed tenure

2.The President cannot enter the House of Parliament

3.The President cannot canclude treaties

4.The President can dismiss his Secretaries at any time

  Which one of the following is unavoidable for successful working of a parliamentary form of Government?

1.A written constitution

2.Multi-party system

3.A federal system

4.Well organised political party system

  Which one one the following is true about Presidential form of Government?

1. In it secretaries are real policy makers

2. It it secretaries work on equal footings with the President

3.In it secretaries work on the basis of joint responsibilities

4.In it secretaries are subordinates of President.

 In Parliamentary form of Government:

1.The legislature is respobsible to Government

2.The legislature is responsible to judiciary

3.The executive is responsible to legislature

4.The judiciary is respobsible to legislature

 In which of the following country there is Presidential system of Government?




4.None of the above

 Lord Bryce has written That form of Government in which ruling power of the state is legally vested not in any particular class but in the members of community as a whole. Which form of Government he is referring to?





 Parliamentary form of government is quite common in:





 Presidential form of government is prevalent in:





 These days which of the following presents the best example of Presidential form of Government?





 Which of the following is correct about Presidential form of Government?

1.The members of the cabinet are also members of legislature

2.The cabinet is collectively responsible to legislature

3.The legislature can remove the members of the cabinet at any time

4.The members of thecabinet hold office during the pleasure of the President

 Which of the following is not an essential feature of parliamentary system of Government?

1.There is a nominal head of the state

2.The cabinet is the real executive

3.Cabinet functions on the principle of joint responsible to the legislature

4.There is the system of separation of powers

 Which of the following is not associated with parliamentary form of Government?

1. In this there is leadership of Prime Minister

2.In this there is system of adjustment

3.The head of the state can remove cabinet at his will

4.The Council of Ministers has no fixed tenure of office

 Which of the following is not associated with Presidential Government?



3.Administrative efficiency

4.Consistent policy

 Which of the following is not correct about Presidential system of Government?

1.In this there is spread of education

2.In this elections are periodically held

3.It this there is no fixed tenure for the political executive

4.It is most suited to poor nations

 Which one of the following is not an advantage of Parliamentary form of Government?

1.The executive knows fully well the feelings of the legislature

2.The decisions can be quickly taken

3.There is cooperation between the executive and the legislture

4.It is a respobsible Government

 Which one of the following is not the advantage of Parliamentary form of Govrnment?

1. In it there is widespread political education

2. In it there is complete separation of powers

3.In it there is flexibility

4. It is self corrective form of Government

A Presidential system is one in which executive can be removed:

1.By a vote of no condidence in the upper House

2.By a vote of no confidence in the lower House

3.By a vote of no confidence by 51% of the total electorates

4.By the system of impeachment

A Presidential system the executive has:

1.Has no effective power

2.Is only nominal head

3.Has powers but have been delegated

4.Exercises all the powers to his satisfaction

All bills in a parliamentary form of Government become Acts as soon as these are passed by:


2.Cabinet secretary

3.Upper House

4.Head of the state

Governments are classified as Parliamentary and Presidential on the basis of:

1.Relations between the legislature and the executive

2. Relations between the politicians and civil servants

3.Written and unwritten constitutions

4.Regid and flexible constitutions

In a Parliamentary form of Government cabinet meetings are presided over by:

1.The President

2.Speaker of the Lower House

3.Chairman of the Upper house

4.The Prime Minister

In a parliamentary form of Government for all purposes the Council of Ministers is accountable to:

1. The head of the State

2. The judiciary is responsible to legislature

3.Prime Minister


In a parliamentary form of Government:

1.Executive and legislature work independently

2.Executive can be dislodged from power with a vote of no confidence

3.The term of the executive is fixed

4.It is flexible form of Government

In a parliamentary system the Ministers of the Cabinet:

1.Are not the members of the legislature

2.Are the members of the legislature

3.Do not take interest in legislative business

4.Are not required to make policy statements in the legislature

In a Presidential form of Government the head of the state:

1.Enjoys real powers

2.Is only nominal

3.Can be removed by the judiciary

4.None of the above

In a Presidential form of Government:

1.The President is respobsibleto the legislature

2.The judiciary is responsible to legislature

3.The legislature is responsible to executive

4.None of the above

In India the President of the republic is elected in the same manner as head of the state:

1. In U.S.A

2.In U.K.

3.In Pakistan

4.None of the above

In Parliamentary form of Government cabinet is responsible to:

1.The legislature

2.The nominal executive

3. The judiciary

4.None of the above

In Parliamentary system each cabinet minister is:

1.Individually responsible to the Parliament

2.Responsible to the Upper House

3.Colletively responsible to upper House

4.For all effective purposes collectively responsible to House

In Parliamentary system real power is exercised by:


2.Lower House



In Parliamentary system the executive has:

1.Some minimum fixed tenure

2.Must hold position for the entire period for which initially elected

3.No fixed tenure

4.All of the above

In which of the following country parliamentary form of Government does not exist?





Pick up one of the following which in your opinion is not the advantage of Parliamentary form of Government?

1. In it partisan spirit is encouraged

2.In it there is dignity of every individual

3.It is a good check on despotism

4. It has great educative value

The real executive chief in presidential form of Government:

1.Is not a member of the legislature

2.Should be a member of legislature

3.Is accountable to the legislature

4.Introduces all bills in the lower house of legislature

Whether a Government is Parliamentary or not is decided on the basis of relationship of the executive with:



3.Civil servants

4.Local self-Government institutions

Which of the following is correct about Presidential form of Government?

1.The executive is responsible to the legislature

2.The executive is responsible to the Supreme Court

3.The executive is responsible to the Upper House of Congress/Parliament

4.There is the system of checks and balance

Which of the following is incorrect about presidential form of Government?

1.In it there is separation of powers

2.In it the President is the real executive

3.The cabinet is part of the legislature

4.The President is not responsible to the legislatuer

Which one of the following is not true about Parliamentary form of Government?

1. There is the system of joint respobsibility

2.Prime Minister is the leader of the team

3.There is complete separation of powers

4. The Ministers are the colleagues of the Prime Minister

Which one of the following is not true about Presidential system of Government?

1.The executive has no fixed tenure

2. There is system of separation of powers

3.There is system of checks and balances

4.There is no collective responsibility of cabinet

Who has said that In the state with cabinet form of government the executive head shares directly in legislation as members of law making body guiding and directing its policy as long as they possess its support:






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